Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Happy Spring/Summer!

I guess I'm not so good at this blog thing. I have been equally bad at taking pictures! I know it's something that I will regret later! I am actively trying to get better at being the photographer!
We have had a fun filled winter and spring with numerous zoo, play group and Green Lake outings! We had a fun second Halloween and Christmas with the twins, a great trip to Cannon Beach - which was enjoyed by all, a fun Easter and a few other celebrations to count since the last entry. I'll post pictures to fill in the gaps.
We had a fun time on the local TV show NW Afternoon when we were asked to do the Doorbell Chef segment. Neither one of us had anything to do with it...but I got credit - so you can't beat that. It will be something that we remember forever!

Halloween 2007 - Bellevue Square with friends and Grandma and Grandpa Neal

The four of us on Halloween

Christmas 2007 - Jack LOVES to throw!!

The family at Cannon Beach

Easter 2008 - in their Sunday best

Easter 2008

Sophie my little bag lady...she loves to dress up!!

Jack...steering the boat

They love each other!!

Jack with his ba

Sophie proudly displaying her Wilco shirt she got from Uncle Dave

Candid shot...Sophie showing her true colors!

If you want a good laugh you can watch the segment at